What to know if your partner is a Sagittarius male?
He is the man of adventures and always enjoys his life to the fullest. As an optimistic person, he spends every single day discovering new things. Irrespective of working or playing, he will put 100% of his effort,
This guy has great desire in finding the truth of everything and craves to know what life is like. He is curious with things around him. That explains why he is very well-informed about different topics, such as religion, philosophy, etc.
Regardless of any subject, you will get impressed by the knowledge of Sagittarius man once starting a conversation with him.
Due to the nature of Sagittarius zodiac sign, your man does not like anything constraining his freedom. In addition, he dislikes following others’ idea or being controlled.
The male Sagittarius is a reliable and humorous person in the outsiders’ eye.
Very generous, he is willing to help his friends and family whenever they get into trouble. But, sometimes, he will be involved in bad situations with such kindness without knowing how to finish it.
A Sagittarius man in love is completely loyal and faithful to love.
If he truly has feelings for someone, he will become another person. Instead of caring what others may think about him, Sagittarius only puts you in his eyes. He needs someone that can be by his side most of the time so that he won’t feel lost or lonely.
Then, how to get a Sagittarius man to miss you like crazy?
When being in a relationship with this guy, he will not let you get bored so easily. The moment he senses the insecurity and slowly realizes your feelings, he will try his best to keep you beside.
Well, it does not mean that your Sag will chase you, as he also does not like the feeling to be chased.
As a straightforward person, he will get everything straight with you. Since he hates jealousy, do not make him jealous in any form. Moreover, he definitely will not miss you at all due to your behavior.
No matter how hard your attempt is just to get him to miss you, this man may easily ignore the effort you’ve invested. Never think of hurting his vanity, or he will be very stubborn and act distant to you.
Once determining that you’re worthy of his sentiments, Sagittarius will constantly shower you with his affection.
For a long-lasting relationship with the Centaur, you must get used to his adventurous nature and keep up with him. Later you’ll realize that being with Sagittarius man is never bored.
Loving a Sagittarius Man – What to Know?

Before starting a new relationship with Sagittarius, keep in mind that he is a sincere and direct man. If you want to be his true half in love, please check the following ideas.
One undeniable truth is – you will get the best experience ever when dating with a Sagittarius. His charm along with personality traits will leave irresistible influence on you in a deep, gentle way.
1. He speaks what he thinks
When is a Sagittarius man serious about you?
This guy will never avoid telling you the truth, so you don’t have to wonder or guess about what he is thinking and feeling. He also wants you to behave the same to himself, and you will not be able to stay with Sagittarius if you cannot be honest.
2. He is honest and truthful
The most essential thing to remember before dating a Sagittarius is – he is extremely straightforward. He has never thought of hiding his emotions, since he believes that the truth will never be the truth if it cannot be told 100%.
He will inform a problem in detail and never intend to apologize for anything causing the misunderstanding. So, rather than arguing with him, you should resign yourself if blamed.
3. He cannot stay still for too long
Sagittarius is not good at focusing on a specific thing for too long. In order to feel comfortable, he can’t stop but constantly moving and participating in different activities.
This male is uncertain and works without specific plans. Hence, if you still want to be with a Sagittarius, then you need to learn about most of things quickly.
4. He has a very active social life
How to get a Sagittarius man to commit?
Before asking him for the commitment, you should pin this in the head; that’s, this man hates doing everything by himself. He wants to make friends. Thus, don’t be surprised if he joins a lot of different activities one day.
One of his goals is to meet as many people as possible.
He will make sure that there is no vacant time in his schedule.
If having much time alone, they may easily become discouraged. That’s why you often encounter a Sagittarius with his friends. He has no problem talking to those he just meets for the first time and is always willing to start the conversation with anyone.
5. He is very attractive
No one is able to resist the charm of a male Sagittarius.
When falling in love with the guy of this zodiac sign, you will feel very peaceful and restful. He really is an expert in discovering the strengths of those around him. This is the reason why many people love him.
6. He loves to flirt
This man does not hesitate to get acquainted with individuals whom he indeed feels connected. So, if Sagittarius likes you, he will approach and not wait too long to speak out his thoughts and let you know how much he loves you.
7. He always looks at the bright side
As mentioned earlier, Sagittarius is an optimistic person who will always see a gleam of light from the black overcast firmament.
Being with the pessimists can only get the Archer’s spirit down quickly. Therefore, he tends to get along with people who share as similar thoughts and lifestyle as him.
Even if his life is full of challenges and troubles, still he will take it as lessons that they need to experience to be more mature. If you are having bad days, then with the Sagittarius male on your side, all of your sorrows will immediately disappear.
8. He is a wild child
There are three words to describe people of this sign – the freedom spirit, rebellion and wildness.
Your Sagittarius man does not like someone tells him what to do or being under controlled. He can complete everything in his own way following his characteristics and thoughts. Hence, it’s obvious that he does not like to be intervened.
9. He asks numerous questions
One of significant things to remember before involved with a Sagittarius in an affair is: this guy is extremely curious and interested in exploring the world. So, if you receive dozens of questions every day from him, don’t be surprised or annoyed.
He will share and discuss with you passionately about topics he finds interesting.
Never interrupt the mood of a Sagittarius during conversations.
10. He is the man of spontaneity
Spontaneity is the unique quality of the Sagittarius male.
He actually prepares no certain plan in life. Everything happened in his life simply appears in his mind after a few seconds he has ideas.
The attraction of this is – you almost cannot predict anything from the Sagittarius guy. Thus, if you really love him, learn how to stay calm when facing with things that suddenly come to your life.
Understanding a Sagittarius Man in Love

Sagittarius man often begins the affair with enthusiasm. However, it will soon become subtle once the relationship gets serious.
At first, if not interested, he will find any way to ignore the indication of a serious relationship. This man of freedom will never want to be with a person that he is not really into. Due to this, he may miss a lot of opportunities for love, consciously.
Yet, the sure thing is – Sagittarius will not enter a relationship just because he does not want to be alone.
In a relationship, this is the man of responsibility.
How to get a Sagittarius man to chase you?
If he really, really likes you and is certain about his feelings, then he will make his move.
Being with a Sag in a love romance, you will have a very committed and faithful partner. However, he doesn’t like his lady to become possessive or jealous over small things.
In case you two have separated, do you know how to make a Sagittarius man fall in love with you again? Keep in mind that do NOT chase after him. Simply ignore him and do whatever you want to. Once he misses you, he will return and be yours again.
You will really enjoy the relationship with a Sagittarius man in love.
How to make a Sagittarius man obsessed with you?
For those planning to seduce the Archer, please be a generous, creative woman and show him your reliability and strong personality.
You’ll miss your chance with him if you display your jealousy or keep behind his back 24/7. This guy looks for a partner that can share with him amazing things in life, not threaten his freedom. In addition, accept his constant flirting with everyone as he does not do it purposely, it’s in fact his nature.
In the beginning, he will make sure not to miss a single thing about you. Do not force him to commit immediately; instead, give him time to explore, learn about you and conquer your heart.
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How to get a sagg man to miss you
How to make a Sagittarius man ( a friend) miss me ??
How can he trust me
I met Sagittarius man on Facebook.. Bothers me because we just texting she was real nice at the beginning and then he wanted me to buy a present For her daughter and ask me for money., I didn’t know how to tell them because we didn’t know each other just texting and I didn’t know his birthday until now now he thinks that that I was doubting on him cause I didn’t wanna send him the money if I didn’t know him that well.. this was two weeks ago.. I know each other and he let me go.. he got mad at me because I didn’t know him that well and you know I didn’t know what to do.. and then my son got into it and he blocked him.. And then he told me that he loves me so much so I reopen my Facebook messenger .. Now he doesn’t want me..One time he called me on the phone not to bother him anymore and then he called me he told me fuck you.. And your son .. He doesn’t text me no more I just want to know do you think he wants me back later
Sag & Aries