Is the love relationship with Sagittarius male really worth pursuing? Of course it is, but you need to be a strong character in your own right to hold yourself with the Archer. This guy is often characterized as the typical bachelor. He can be tough to pin down and finds commitment a little bit scary – surely, keeping him in a relationship can be a challenge.
However, the real problem is when a Sagittarius man is not interested in you or finds you have no interest to spend time with. How to regain his attention?
When Sagittarius man ignores you, it can leave you questioning the depth of his devotion as well as your future with him. Yet, at that moment, it’s important for you to give him the space he needs. It doesn’t mean that you should drop the contact with him forever, but you also shouldn’t continually call him if he hasn’t reached out to you. He may just need a bit of breathing room. Instead of leaving message after message or begging him to call you back, you must wait at least a few days to contact him if he is indeed ignoring you.
After a few days, call him once just saying you wanted to touch base. Keep it very calm and don’t easily get emotional, ok? Spend more time with friends and family, and work on improving who you are. If he realizes you’re not that desperately miss him, he’ll come around quicker.
All about Sagittarius Men that You Need to Know – Check NOW!
Signs Sagittarius Male No Longer Likes You
This man usually takes the relationship really slow and tends to have casual affairs rather than serious long-term committed relationships. If he meets the right woman, on the other hand, he will slowly surrender to the most romantic paths of love. When Sagittarius man in love, he experiences nearly a whole emotional transformation, like he becomes tender and affectionate towards his loved one. In case you are dating a male Sagittarian, then you know what I am talking about. The thing is – he can be very impulsive. What does this mean?
You may suddenly recognize, one day, he have lost interest in you. It probably all happens so quickly that you hardly figure out the reasons he acts this way. Here are the most essential signs can tell you why your Sagittarius lover is over you:
He feels suffocated when sensing your dependency
This guy is very self-assured, and he seeks a similar partner. A confident and independent woman can fascinate a male Archer. When the two of you become closer, he wants to know if he can still have his personal space, and whether his other half is strong enough to protect herself. Once you are starting to depend on him, he will feel suffocated and soon become distant.
He is moody and negative
He loves his personal freedom and yearns to do anything he wants without any restriction. If he loses interest in a relationship, he can hardly hide his feelings. He possible does not want to be with you today, but tomorrow they might want you to return. He rarely pulls the curtains as he’s afraid he could change his mind later. That’s why he becomes moody and negative towards the partner.
He is unaware of your feelings

If Sagittarius man no longer cares about you, he will not have any regard for you as well as your feelings. He may ask you a few things about yourself but never listen attentively. In addition, he totally forgets your birthday as well as other anniversaries. Whether you behave normally or not, he just simply ignores you intentionally or even rude to you at certain times.
He is busy
Men are ambitious when it comes to career but once they truly love someone, they won’t mind sacrificing a bit of time for that person. Therefore, a sign telling Saggy man doesn’t like you is – he constantly makes excuses to avoid you. Every time you call him, he will turn the phone off or keep it ringing. Although he always says that he would definitely call you back, he never does.
He never introduces you to his family and friends
All men love to bring their special women to meet their parents and relatives. The Sagittarius male will only show you off to his family and friends UNLESS you have a very important place in his life. No matter how obnoxious his pals are, he will let you meet them if he truly loves and respects you.
He cancels things you two have planned out
Well, that’s Sagittarius! He is the man that keeps saying sorry for ruining the plan but never finds any opportunity to make up for it.
He ignores you
This is the most evident sign showing his uninterest to you. If he keeps saying busy at all times, if he closes his eyes or shuts his ears to you, if he rarely texts or calls you, then 100% he finds you not interesting enough or does not think about you in a romantic way. He may go out with you for a couple of dates but that’s all – never expect him to contact you again.
Whenever you discover these above signs from your Sagittarius partner, then it’s time to think about your relationship with him.
Tips to Keep Sagittarius Man Interest

- Adventure
Again, to win the heart of a Sagittarius man, freedom and adventure are two key elements. If you get involved with him, do not make him feel tied down or trapped, otherwise he will run away. Even if you feel insecure, never show it to him as he sees it as a turn-off sign, making him lose interest easily.
This guy is drawn to strong-willed, compassionate women. If you can be playful and flirtatious, he will change his mind.
- Jealousy
If you don’t want your Sagittarius to run away from you forever, then stop thinking of the jealousy game. It is such an unwise move. Rather than getting his heart, you will quickly push him away.
Be mysterious, smart and prove that you deserve his love. You need to make him regretted because of treating you badly, don’t be too obvious. Also, don’t act too clingy or bossy. He is very independent and, in a relationship, only looks for a woman that’s as independent as him.
- Affection bond
Since he is an exciting person, find a chance and ask him out for a fun, adventurous date. Be confident and most importantly be yourself – showing him many awesome sides of you that he’s never seen before. Treat him as a close friend firstly and sharing your passions with him; over time, you will witness a surprising change, positively.
Read more: How to Love a Sagittarius Man – What Does He Need from a Lover?
In short, being in love with Sagittarius needs a precise preparation. You must prepare well to avoid self-emotional hurt. If you really love him but he doesn’t feel the same way, then you either move on or change your thoughts, reclaim the power and find ways to gain his love again.
Now can you tell when a Sagittarius man is not interested? It’s never too late to win your Sag partner back if you truly love him.
I am a sagg woman and over 3 years ago met a Sagg man on line. Our 1st date and only date was very nice! He was kind, intelligent, talkative and we hit it off great! l fell for him. We talked by phone alot but the relationship never went pass that first date and a few phone calls between us. Our relationship never bloosomed and it just slowly died. Strangely, He would text me once or twice throughout those the last past 3 years.
Lately he reached out to me by phone eager to start talking and suggested he wants us to date again. l don’t know what to make of him. l feel he is interested and it’s weird but l still like him. But l fear because l wonder will he disappear again.
What if he’s showing you signs of him being both interested and not interested at the same time for instance you said he wouldn’t introduce me to friends or family, but I’ve met his sister and one of his best-friends, but never his parents… He also ignores me sometimes, and then when i ignore him he Texts me as if he wasnt… Or he’ll say he’s busy one night, but then the next steal his dads car keys so he can see me, and then stay all the way till the sun comes up. Also, he’s super moody always frowning, but then there are moments when he smiles and i make him laugh. There’s times where he wont even let me kiss him or ill be sleep and he holds me….im so confused help meeeeeee
That literally sounds exactly like the sag I’m seeing. It’s really confusing. Especially the not holding hands and kissing part. Even though we cuddle and are really affectionate when he stays over ♀️ idk what to tell you. But I am in a situation like that, I feel like he only wants me when it’s convenient for him. I would say start acting busy and when he takes the keys for a booty call tell him you have to get up early to workout or something random. So he will understand your not a game and he can’t just see you whenever he feels like it.
Are you still speaking to this man? I need help also!!!
I’m a Sagittarius, when a Sagittarius gives you such sign , believe me, he’s just taking his time to trust and more pragmatical, if you don’t make him feel so much important but give him hope and be reserved , never disclose worse of your past relationships with him cuz he might use it against you with his blunt ways of talking, he’s very sensitive and reads intention easily, so never think of lying to him and do not cheat while dating a Sagittarius cuz he would find out some how !
If Sagittarius doesn’t call u or gives u reason of disturbing him , it’s either he’s hooked up with friends either male or female or prolly he’s enjoying is life with some liquor … Sagittarius doesn’t rush into commitment but once he does, believe me you would be the happiest lady ever on Earth ! Cuz he would always try new things and they are very intelligent and fun to be with !
I am a 15 y/o scorpio girl! And was in a relationship with a 15 y/o sag boy.. We both love each other a lot but due to some family issue he left me! We live in a same apartment so even after breaking up we meet and see each other almost every day… We sometimes have hugged and kissed each other also even after breakup, and he had told me that he still loves me but is not ready to start a relationship again… Though he can as every thing seems normal now in his family but he is the not wanting to take risk.. But still says he loves me.. As we live in same apartment , he however wants me to be friends aur be close to him anyway, but I can’t be friends with him, it’s hurting, seeing each day the person I love is no more mine! So will he come back to me? Does he still have feelings for me? Please reply
This guy is like a balloon and you’re expected to be the string. While he flies around looking at new places, new things, looking for excitement, he wants stability under her feet. He likes women who are mellow and laid back. He’s intense when it comes to things he’s passionate about, but he doesn’t like drama either. He can’t be bothered with the details and if you’re having discord with him, then spit out, and get on with it. If you harp at him too long he will be distracted by staring out a window wishing he was “out there” instead of “in here”. He wants to savor life, and though he works hard, he plays hard. You must have a lot of energy to keep up with him.